UK triumphs in ECJ case against ECB

UK triumphs in ECJ case against ECB | Open Europe.

About jpmaguire

Hello my fellow concerned and world weary bloggers. I am a graduate of Trinity College Dublin where I studied (in a flexible kind of way) Law and Political Science. Here you can expect periodic/sporadic blogging related to political systems, concepts and happenings, economic issues and legal issues - you may even find an occasional rant which blends all of this, and more, together in what I hope will be a comprehensive and mildly entertaining manner; if one finds these subjects as entertaining as I do that is. So, thank you for your potential interest in my rather basic webpage and my consequent ramblings, and remember: 'he who hesitates is lost' - so feel free to stop by, contribute, comment...and challenge my preconceptions, misconceptions, and any other conceptions which I may put on display here. John Paul Maguire

Posted on March 4, 2015, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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